2022 was good… 2023 will be GREAT! There’s a torrent of quality Web3 games arriving this year – but which are we looking forward to the most? Let’s find out, as here’s our list of the top 10 most anticipated Web3 games of 2023!

00:00 Intro
00:50 #10 Avalon (MMORPG)
01:55 #9 GRIT (Battle Royale)
02:52 #8 The Harvest (MOBA)
03:56 #7 Ember Sword (MMORPG)
04:48 #6 Illuvium (MMORPG)
05:42 #5 Guild of Guardians (Mobile APRG)
06:42 #4 Clementine’s Nightmare (TCG x Auto Battler)
07:41 #3 Edenbrawl (MOBA)
08:38 #2 Shrapnel (Extraction FPS)
09:43 Honourable Mention: Worldwide Webb (MMORPG)
10:46 #1 MetalCore (MMOFPS)
12:02 Outro

Avalon: https://www.avalonthegame.com
GRIT: https://grit.game
The Harvest: https://theharvestgame.com
Ember Sword: https://embersword.com
Illuvium: https://illuvium.io
Guild of Guardians: https://www.guildofguardians.com
Clementine’s Nightmare: https://clementinesnightmare.io
Edenbrawl: https://www.sparkadia.gg
Shrapnel: https://www.shrapnel.com
Worldwide Webb: https://twitter.com/Worldwide_WEB3
MetalCore: https://www.metalcore.gg

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HYDRO’S TWITTER: https://twitter.com/hydropwrd
HYDRO’S INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/hydropwrd

Music from StreamBeats by Harris Heller: https://www.streambeats.com/

#immutablex #imx #polygon #matic #nftgame #web3 #blockchaingames #gaming #pcgaming #mobilegaming #strategygames #fpsgames #mmorpg #bestgames #2023games #avalon #grit #theharvest #embersword #illuvium #guildofguardians #clementinesnightmare #edenbrawl #sparkball #shrapnel #worldwidewebb #metalcore

{date}:2023-04-22 21:14:34


{likes}: 44

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