Discover how blockchain is transforming supply chains with insights from our expert speakers at #LDNBlockchain24. Moderated by Rebecca Liggero, Reporter, Producer & Host at CoinGeek, this session features Electra Coutsoftides, CEO/Co-founder of Xworks Tech, Chris Light, CEO and Founder of E-Livestock Global, Henry Duckworth, CEO of AgriDex, and German Sangrador, CIO of LeadTheChain as they share their experiences and knowledge on optimizing supply chains with blockchain technology.
This session highlighted the journey of E-Livestock Global, which started in Zimbabwe as a social enterprise to help the livestock industry recover from a nationwide disease outbreak. Beginning with health records and proof of ownership, E-Livestock Global developed an award-winning solution that provides end-to-end visibility in the livestock supply chain.
Learn about the opportunities blockchain brings to supply chain optimization, including the integration of IoT and other hardware technologies. Understand how blockchain enhances transparency, efficiency, and resilience across various industries.
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#Blockchain #SupplyChain #Innovation #IoT #E-LivestockGlobal #LDNBlockchain24 #Transparency #Efficiency
date 2024-08-08 09:00:35
author UCdfwsSm_KfwLndXIj_nDeng
views 50