
@thedefiwind is the biggest windsurfing race in the world. With over 1400 competitors blasting around the course in the strong winds of Gruissan, we are sure it is a challenge every windsurfer should take once in their life. However, going there alone for the first time can be a bit tricky.

Therefore, Surfcenter has organised the Defi Wind Experience! In this amazing week you’ll explore the Defi Wind together with windsurfing proffesional @JordyVonkNED69, who will will supply you with all information about the race, both back at the shop and during the two training days before the event. Tuning tips from the pro’s, a VIP registration and briefings before and after every race are all part of this experience!

Want to know more about the Defi Wind Experience for 2024? Visit for more information and registrations. See you in Gruissan!

Thanks to our partner Tenzing, that kept us naturally energized during the whole event!

Thanks to the Defi Wind for the footage of the races.

{date}:2023-06-13 15:00:11


{likes}: 147

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