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Making Web 3 accessible to everyone on the internet. Informatio is open to every individual as you can become a member and contribute your thoughts about web 3 to the blog. To become a contributor, you will have to register with us via the members registration page and login with your correct credentials. The login page takes you to your contributor’s dashboard with which you can make your blog contribution. Your post will be made public upon approval by the site’s admin. Our mission is to make web 3 accessible to everyone. We give insights about the blockchain and every other topic related to the blockchain. We post an article on our blog after careful review by the site’s admin. Our blog is not an admin only blog (members can also post meaningful contents but with the admin’s approval). Key features are: a general blog page, single post page, admin dashboard, admin registration page, admin login page, contributor’s dashboard, contributors’s registration page, contributor’s login page, contact form, search form, mobile responsive menu, responsive website across all devices, intuitive interface. Technologies used: Next.js, PostgreSQL, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, Axios, Nodemailer, AOS, Pinata Cloud Storage. Note that Informatio was built from scratch using these technologies. The admin dashboard plays the most important role of the blog. Without the admin panel, there is no Informatio blog. All posts posted by the admin are automatically approved and instantly appear on the blog. The admin dashboard offers a wide variety of options in controlling the blog. With an intuitive and sleek design, this dashboard helps an admin to control the blog effortlessly. And just so you know, this admin dashboard greets you and displays your name. It knows if you are a man or a woman. For the sake of this project, the blog offers the following options in controlling the blog: Add post, update post, delete post, view unapproved posts, and approve posts before they appear on the general blog page. In adding a post, the image or video is added by putting the image or video link from a file storage cloud (Filebase or Pinata). The blog then displays it. The admin dashboard is fully responsive and extensively tested to make its usage experience smooth. When you are done, you can logout using the logout button.

date : 2023-12-16 12:45:20

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found searching for web3.js tutorial


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