My DeBank Accounts👇🏻

In this video, I share my story of losing 55% of my $9,000 in DeFi yield farming. I talk about my experiences on Aerodrome and Extra Finance. I explain how I went from earning rewards to facing a big decline.

I discuss the risks of decentralized finance and how I manage my losses. I also share my plan to recover and why risk management is key in the crypto market.

What you’ll learn:

– My loss on OVAN and USD+ liquidity farming and why I pulled out
– How I moved my remaining funds to Extra Finance and the results so far
– The importance of money management and why diversification matters
– A detailed breakdown of my wallet balance and how I earn daily rewards

Important: None of my videos are financial advice—I’m simply sharing my personal journey in DeFi, showing both the wins and the losses.

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For SEO:
DeFi loss, yield farming strategy, DeFi risk management, crypto losses 2024, decentralized finance, yield farming mistakes, Aerodrome, Extra Finance, losing money in DeFi, crypto market volatility, managing crypto risk, liquidity farming, yield farming recovery, BCT yield farming, DeFi rewards, leveraging in crypto, risk management crypto, how to recover crypto losses, passive income crypto, crypto market risks, staking DeFi platforms, decentralized finance strategies.

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-Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Shahrokh Houshmand does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.

views when registered : 856
duration : 00:08:48

Transcript Review

Our guest, M, is a personal trader who shares his journey of trading on the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) platform, Aerodrome. The video focuses on his experience of using liquidity yield farming and leverage farming, which involves high-risk investments. He discusses his approach to managing risk and reward, emphasizing the importance of money management and understanding the risks associated with DeFi.

Notable aspects of the video include:

  • M’s decision to use Aerodrome, a DeFi platform that involves high-risk investments.
  • His approach to managing risk and reward, which involves diversifying investments and using stop-loss orders.
  • The importance of his account on the Aerodrome platform, where he shares his earnings and losses.
  • His emphasis on the importance of money management and understanding the risks associated with DeFi.

Editor’s Commentary

This video is an honest and insightful look at the world of DeFi trading. M’s willingness to share his losses as well as his gains serves as a cautionary tale for those new to the space. His emphasis on money management and risk reward is essential for anyone considering investing in DeFi. The video provides a nuanced understanding of the risks involved in DeFi trading and serves as a reminder to always approach such investments with caution.


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