Staking crypto merupakan salah satu untuk bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dalam investasi crypto. Staking crypto ini prosesnya mirip dengan deposito di bank, namun di staking crypto yang kita depositokan dalam bentuk koin crypto. Jadi hasil bunganya adalah koin crypto itu sendiri. Tetapi sayangnya saya tidak pernah mendapatkan hasil yang positif, berikut divideo saya akan ceritakan sembari review hasil staking crypto saya di aplikasi Ajaib Crypto.
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duration : 00:09:37
The content provided is a review of the author’s experience with stacking crypto in the Ajaib Crypto application. The author has been stacking for around 3-4 months, starting from July, and has a total balance of IDR 347,000. They mention that the interest earned is IDR 55,000, but they are actually floating in a loss, meaning their initial investment of IDR 400,000 has decreased to IDR 347,000.
The author attributes their loss to buying the coins at a high price and then stacking them, resulting in the coins decreasing in value. They mention that they have experienced similar losses in other stacking platforms, such as Reu and Trif.
The author concludes that stacking crypto can be a high-risk investment and advises their viewers to be cautious. They suggest that selling their coins and investing in other assets, such as saham (shares), may be a better option.
Noteworthy related facts:
* Stacking crypto is a form of passive income where investors earn interest on their holdings.
* The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, with prices fluctuating rapidly.
* Ajaib Crypto is a mobile application that allows users to invest in various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others.