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🎉Hey everyone,
today in this video, we’ll learn about CCIP built by @chainlink
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#blockchain #solidity #ccip #solidity #web3
date : 2023-12-28 11:59:07
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Chainlink CCIP Crash Course
Chainlink’s CCIP (Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol) enables different blockchains to communicate with each other, while maintaining security, integrity, and transparency. In this video, we’ll take a deep dive into what CCIP is, how it works, and a hands-on example of a Solidity project.
Here’s a summary of CCIP: it’s a messaging protocol that allows transactions to be sent from one blockchain to another. With CCIP, you can send messages between blockchains, execute functions on another chain, and even interact with contracts on other blockchains.
The video guides us through the process of creating a contract on two different blockchains (Polygon and Ethereum), configuring them to send data to a Chainlink router, and verifying transactions using a Risk Management Network. We see how to send a message from one blockchain to another, minting tokens on a destination chain, and validating transactions.
Some interesting concepts explored in the video include:
- Cross-chain interoperability: enables different blockchains to work together seamlessly.
- Merkle tree: a data structure that allows multiple transactions to be verified efficiently.
- Risk Management Network: a decentralized network that checks the validity of transactions before they’re executed.
While this video is geared towards blockchain developers, it showcases the power of Chainlink’s CCIP in solving the complex problem of inter-blockchain communication. Overall, this crash course demonstrates the potential of CCIP in creating a more robust and connected Web3 ecosystem.