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#waas #weareallsatoshi #boomerang #arbitragetrading #ai #fake

Some things about Boomerang look fake to me. But am I missing out on what everyone else is seeing?
In this video we will go through everything that would concern me before I was buying a license.
Many of you are buying licenses so what are you seeing that I am not? Come and discuss so I can see what you see.
Help me work this out by sharing your knowledge in the comments section during or after this video.

Remember, I am NOT a financial advisor and this is NOT financial advice.
These videos are for entertainment and educational purposes only.

If you get value from these videos please give us a thumbs up and subscribe and feel free to share to others.

Stable Dao, Stable Opinion and Sam Lee

We Are All Satoshi and Sam Lee

date : 2024-02-17 22:44:31

views : 5548

likes : 61

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found searching for flash loans coarse

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