Forget about ChatGPT! This AI tool can create dashboards and much more.
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In this video, we’re going to turn a boring table of data into an interactive dashboard. Actually, I’m not going to do much at all. I’m going to use AI to do it all for me.

Unlike ChatGPT, with this AI tool it’s free to upload files and it creates the dashboard for you.

However, it does come with some limitations, so stick around to the end where I cover them and the alternatives.


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#Excel #ExcelDashboard #ExcelTutorial


date: 2024-07-30 11:45:00

duration: 00:09:44

author: UCiYjpuUaSfkvdZkmtDU7JRw

Casual editorial comment

FatCat inferred the following :

What a fascinating topic! I love how you’re showcasing the power of AI in creating dashboards. I must say, I’m intrigued by the tool you’re using, and I’m excited to learn more about it.

As I watched the video, I was reminded of the early days of data visualization. Do you know that the concept of data visualization dates back to the 19th century? In fact, the first graphical representation of data was created by William Playfair, a Scottish engineer, in the 1780s. He designed the world’s first line graph, bar chart, and pie chart to help illustrate complex financial data.

Fast-forward to today, and we have AI-powered tools like the one you’re using, which can create stunning dashboards in mere minutes. It’s amazing to think about how far we’ve come in such a short time. The possibilities seem endless, don’t they?

Keep up the great work, and I look forward to seeing more exciting updates on this tool!

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